Pilates mat work

Strengthen the core & lengthen the spine, build muscle tone, improve posture & flexibility, and increase body awareness & co-ordination.

Become strong, flexible and relaxed.

  • Increase your core strength

    Our Mat classes help improve core strength and function. Core strength is the centre of the body from which all movement stems. It is a key factor in decreasing back and hip pain, decreasing pelvic floor dysfunction, and is the area from which explosive movement derives.

  • Improve your flexibility and mobility

    Mat work will keep you moving with smooth transitions between precise, slow and controlled movements. This will improve strength, flexibility, and mobility.

  • Improve your body posture and awareness

    Pilates is a mind-body practice that enhances proprioception, or body awareness. Mat work focuses on the full body’s alignment, ideal range of motion at the joints, and a balance of all opposing muscles. It improves posture by bringing awareness to your alignment and strengthening neglected postural muscles.

Suitable from beginners to advanced.

This class is not only safe for injuries or bad backs, it also help improve those injuries - we can cater to any modification required.

This class is a great balance between flexility and mobility, and strength and stability. We will focus on postural/spinal alignment and ensure correct muscles are engaged during the exercises while working on correct breathing techniques. See it as a gentle and holistic way of strengthening, aligning and stretching to help the body move functionally throughout your daily activities.